Вихідний код плашок для класифікації аномалій


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[[module css]]

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.anom-bar-container.clear-6 .top-center-box > .bar-three {
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.anom-bar-container.clear-5 .top-center-box > .bar-four,
.anom-bar-container.clear-6 .top-center-box > .bar-four {
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.anom-bar-container.clear-6 .top-center-box > .bar-six {
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.anom-bar-container.clear-6 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
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.anom-bar-container.clear-5 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
    content: "Особливої важливості";

.anom-bar-container.clear-4 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
    content: "Цілком таємно";

.anom-bar-container.clear-3 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
    content: "Секретно";

.anom-bar-container.clear-2 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
    content: "Обмежений доступ";

.anom-bar-container.clear-1 .top-right-box > .clearance::before {
    content: "Загальна інформація";

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.anom-bar-container:not(.особливий) .text-part > .main-class {
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.anom-bar-container.особливий .text-part > .main-class {
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border: 0.25rem solid rgb(var(--black-monochrome, 12, 12, 12));
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.anom-bar-container.особливий .text-part > .main-class::after {
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border: 0.25rem solid rgb(var(--black-monochrome, 12, 12, 12));
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background-color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome, 252, 252, 252));
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.anom-bar-container.{$secondary-class} .text-part > .main-class::after {
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.anom-bar-container.обґрунтований .text-part > .main-class::before,
.anom-bar-container.розглядається .text-part > .main-class::before,
.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .text-part > .main-class::before {

.anom-bar-container.кетер .text-part > .main-class::before {
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background-color: rgb(var(--five-color));
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.anom-bar-container.евклід .text-part > .main-class::before {
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background-color: rgb(var(--three-color));
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.anom-bar-container.безпечний .text-part > .main-class::before {
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background-color: rgb(var(--one-color));
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.anom-bar-container:not(.особливий) .text-part > .main-class > .contain-class > .class-text {
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.anom-bar-container:not(.особливий) .text-part > .main-class > .second-class {
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.text-part > .disrupt-class {
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.text-part > .risk-class {
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.text-part > .disrupt-class,
.text-part > .risk-class {
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.anom-bar-container.особливий .text-part .main-class {
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.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .text-part .main-class {
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.anom-bar-container.розглядається .text-part .main-class {
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.anom-bar-container.обґрунтований .text-part .main-class {
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    border-left: 0.75rem solid rgba(var(--black-monochrome, 12, 12, 12),1);

.anom-bar-container.кетер .text-part .main-class,
.anom-bar-container.аміда .text-part .disrupt-class,
.anom-bar-container.критичний .text-part .risk-class {
    background-color: rgba(196,2,51,0.15);
    background-color: rgba(var(--five-color),0.15);
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    border-left: 0.5rem solid rgba(var(--five-color),1);

.anom-bar-container.екі .text-part .disrupt-class,
.anom-bar-container.небезпека .text-part .risk-class {
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    background-color: rgba(var(--four-color),0.15);
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.anom-bar-container.евклід .text-part .main-class,
.anom-bar-container.кенек .text-part .disrupt-class,
.anom-bar-container.увага .text-part .risk-class {
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    border-left: 0.5rem solid rgba(var(--three-color),1);
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.anom-bar-container.влам .text-part .disrupt-class,
.anom-bar-container.застереження .text-part .risk-class {
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    border-left: 0.5rem solid rgba(var(--two-color),1);
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.anom-bar-container.безпечний .text-part .main-class,
.anom-bar-container.темний .text-part .disrupt-class,
.anom-bar-container.попередження .text-part .risk-class {
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    background-color: rgba(var(--one-color),0.15);
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.anom-bar-container.розглядається .text-part,
.anom-bar-container.обґрунтований .text-part {
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.text-part .disrupt-class::after,
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.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .risk-class,
.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .left-quad,
.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .right-quad,
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.anom-bar-container.нейтралізований .danger-diamond > .right-icon,
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.anom-bar-container.розглядається .disrupt-class,
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.anom-bar-container.розглядається .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .left-quad,
.anom-bar-container.розглядається .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .right-quad,
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.danger-diamond > .quadrants > .top-quad.обґрунтований {
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.anom-bar-container.увага .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .right-quad {
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.anom-bar-container.застереження .danger-diamond > .quadrants > .right-quad {
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background-color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome, 252, 252, 252));

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background-color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome, 252, 252, 252));
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background-color: rgb(var(--five-color));

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background-color: rgb(var(--four-color));

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.anom-bar-container.кенек .danger-diamond > .left-icon::before {
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.anom-bar-container.влам .danger-diamond > .left-icon::before,
.anom-bar-container.застереження .danger-diamond > .right-icon::before {
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background-color: rgb(var(--two-color));

.anom-bar-container.влам .danger-diamond > .left-icon::before {
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.anom-bar-container.застереження .danger-diamond > .right-icon::before {
    background-image: url("http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/local--files/component:anomaly-class-bar/caution-icon.svg");

.anom-bar-container.безпечний .danger-diamond > .top-icon::before,
.anom-bar-container.темний .danger-diamond > .left-icon::before,
.anom-bar-container.попередження .danger-diamond > .right-icon::before {
    background-color: rgb(0,159,107);
background-color: rgb(var(--one-color));

.anom-bar-container.безпечний .danger-diamond > .top-icon::before {
    background-image: url("http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/local--files/component:anomaly-class-bar/safe-icon.svg");

.anom-bar-container.темний .danger-diamond > .left-icon::before {
    background-image: url("http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/local--files/component:anomaly-class-bar/dark-icon.svg");

.anom-bar-container.попередження .danger-diamond > .right-icon::before {
    background-image: url("http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/local--files/component:anomaly-class-bar/notice-icon.svg");

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@media (max-width: 875px ) and (min-width: 480px ) {
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[[div_ class="anom-bar-container clear-{$clearance} {$container-class} {$secondary-class} {$disruption-class} {$risk-class} {$american}"]]
    [[div_ class="anom-bar"]]
        [[div_ class="top-box"]]
            [[div_ class="top-left-box"]]
                [[span class="item"]]Об'єкт №:[[/span]] [[span class="number"]]{$item-number}[[/span]]
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                [[div_ class="bar-one"]]                        
                [[div_ class="bar-two"]]                        
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                [[div_ class="bar-six"]]                        
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                [[div_ class="level"]]
                [[div_ class="clearance"]]
        [[div_ class="bottom-box"]]
            [[div_ class="text-part"]]
                [[div_ class="main-class"]]
                    [[div_ class="contain-class"]]
                        [[div_ class="class-category"]]
                            Клас зберігання:
                        [[div_ class="class-text"]]
                    [[div_ class="second-class"]]
                        [[div_ class="class-category"]]
                            Вторинний клас:
                        [[div_ class="class-text"]]
                [[div_ class="disrupt-class"]]
                    [[div_ class="class-category"]]
                        Клас порушення:
                    [[div_ class="class-text"]]
                [[div_ class="risk-class"]]
                    [[div_ class="class-category"]]
                        Клас ризику:
                    [[div_ class="class-text"]]
            [[div_ class="diamond-part"]]
                    [[div_ class="danger-diamond"]]
[http://scp-ukrainian.wikidot.com/classification-committee-memo link to memo]                        
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                        [[div_ class="octagon"]]
                        [[div_ class="quadrants"]]
                            [[div_ class="top-quad"]]

                            [[div_ class="right-quad"]]

                            [[div_ class="left-quad"]]

                            [[div_ class="bottom-quad"]]

     [[div_ class="top-icon"]]

     [[div_ class="right-icon"]]

     [[div_ class="left-icon"]]

     [[div_ class="bottom-icon"]]

Якщо не зазначено інше, вміст цієї сторінки доступний на умовах ліцензії Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License