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The Colmod was made by Boyu12 for the Japanese branch. A commented version of the theme and an overview over the variables can be found here.
Click here for copy instructions
- _
[[include component:coltop show=+ SHOWTITLE 1|hide=- HIDETITLE 1]]
[[include component:coltop show=+ SHOWTITLE 2|hide=- HIDETITLE 2]]
[[include component:coltop show=+ SHOWTITLE 3|hide=- HIDETITLE 3]]
[[include component:colend]]
[[include component:colend]]
[[include component:colend]]-
- _
- _
- _
This can be extended as you wish. Before the first time being saved, the module is not displayed correctly!
- _
Some variables can be used only on coltop or on both. They are used as follows:
[[[[include component:coltop VARIABLE1=VALUE1|VARIABLE2=VALUE2]]
They are always separated by a |. All variables are optional (show and hide also are variables, only working on coltop). In case variables are not set, the standard value is used.nohide (coltop and colend)
- nohide=true: [Default colend] The show/hide text is hidden (in case both, coltop and colend, are set to nohide=false, it is impossible to hide the collapsible)
- nohide=false: [Default coltop] The show/hide text is shown
- Warning: In JP, both are set to false so colend must be set to false normaly. On INT both are set differently, so that they behave like normal collapsibles if no nihide is set!
folded (only coltop)
- folded=true: [Default] The collapsible is loaded hidden
- folded=false: The collapsible is loaded shown
ifprot (only coltop)
- ifprot=true: The collaspible is opened by a button, not a red text
- ifprot=false: [Default] Nothing
The actual Colmod theme
.colmod-block > ul, .colmod-block > ul > li { display:block; line-height:normal; list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } .colmod-block > ul > li > ul, li.folded > .colmod-link-top a + a, li.folded > .colmod-content, li.folded > .colmod-link-end a, li.unfolded > .colmod-link-top a:first-child { display:none; } .colmod-content { -webkit-animation:colmod-fade-in 0.2s ease-in-out; -moz-animation:colmod-fade-in 0.2s ease-in-out; animation:colmod-fade-in 0.2s ease-in-out; -webkit-animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.3649610494,0,0.6350389506,1); -moz-animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.3649610494,0,0.6350389506,1); animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.3649610494,0,0.6350389506,1); } li.folded > .colmod-content { -webkit-animation-name:none; -moz-animation-name:none; animation-name:none; } @-webkit-keyframes colmod-fade-in { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } } @-moz-keyframes colmod-fade-in { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } } @keyframes colmod-fade-in { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } } [class|="colmod-link"] div.foldable-list-container { display:inline; } .colmod-collapsiblealt > [class|="colmod-link"], .collapsiblealt > .colmod-block > ul > li > [class|="colmod-link"] { margin:0.5em 0; text-align:center; } .colmod-collapsiblealt > [class|="colmod-link"] a, .collapsiblealt > .colmod-block > ul > li > [class|="colmod-link"] a { padding:0.1em 0.5em; text-decoration:none; background-color:#F4F4F4; border:1px solid #AAA; color:#000; } .colmod-collapsiblealt > [class|="colmod-link"] a:hover, .colmod-collapsiblealt > [class|="colmod-link"] a:active, .collapsiblealt > .colmod-block > ul > li > [class|="colmod-link"] a:hover, .collapsiblealt > .colmod-block > ul > li > [class|="colmod-link"] a:active { background:#DDD; text-decoration:none; }
Copy instructions
To add the colmod to your wiki, create the following pages with the following content (translate the default show/hide text). It is not necessary to copy the above theme!
[[module css]]
@import url('http://scp-ukrainian.wikidot.com/component:colstyle/code/1');
[[include component:coltop-deep
|hide={$hide}|hide=- Hide block
|show={$show}|show=+ Show block]]
[[include component:colend-deep
|hide={$hide}|hide=- Hide block]]
If you want to make changes to the Colmod-theme, create the following page and adjust the @import link in your coltop accordingly:
[[module css]]
@import url('http://scp-ukrainian.wikidot.com/component:colstyle/code/1');
/* After here come your changes */